Friday, August 7, 2009

The greatest love gift

O the beauty of the grace God has lavished upon us! Grace is surely the most profound of all love gifts. It is the expression of the highest, deepest, widest love imaginable. Grace must be the highest form of the divine expression of His goodness towards us. If we miss this we miss everything that embodies Him. If we do not see this love we will not know His love, we will not appreciate it, we will not receive it and we will doubt His unquestionable goodness to us. God's grace is the ultimate window from which to see the truth. If it is not this window then all humanity is lost in darkness with no perception of this liberating truth that breaks every human bondage.

Grace tears the curtain that disqualified us from glory. Grace qualifies us for God's unattainable standards of glory. No king is worthy for this, no queen or prince nor priest of any kind but the miracle of the virgin birth of the Son of Man with incorruptible seed.

to be cont.

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